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Statutory Information

Schools are required to publish certain information on their website. Links to where you can find this information on our site are given below.

Admission arrangements

The admission arrangements for Stocksbridge Junior School can be found at Join our School and on our Policies and Documents page.

Annual reports and accounts

The Chorus Education Trust annual report and accounts are available from

Behaviour policy

Our behaviour policy can be found on our Trust Policies page.

Charging and remissions policies

Our charging and remissions policy can be found on our Trust Policies page.

Complaints policy

Our complaints policy can be found on our Trust Policies page.


  • Information about our curriculum can be found on our Curriculum page.
  • The music development plan is available on the Music page.

Executive pay

Information about executive pay can be found at

Ofsted reports

Information about our Ofsted report can be found on our Ofsted page.

PE and sport premium for primary schools

Information about our PE and sport premium can be found on our PE & Sport Premium page.

Performance measures website

Information on our performance and a link to the performance measures website can be found on our Performance page.

Public sector equality duty

Information on our public sector equality duty can be found on our Trust Policies page.

Pupil premium and recovery premium

Information about pupil premium can be found on our Pupil Premium page.

Remote education

Information on our remote education provision can be found on our Remote Learning page.

School opening hours

Information on our school opening hours can be found on our School Day page.

School or college contact details

Our contact details can be found on our Contact Us page.

School uniform

  • Our uniform policy can be found on our Policies and Documents page.
  • Information on the Stocksbridge Junior School uniform can be found on our Uniform page.

Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)

Test, exam and assessment results

Information on our performance and test results can be found on our Performance page.

Trustees’ information and duties

The Chorus Education Trust trustees' information and duties can be found on our Governance page.

Values and ethos

Information on our ethos and values can be found on our Ethos and Values page.

If you require paper copies of any information on our website, please contact us.