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Volunteer at SJS

Help in School

At Stocksbridge Junior School, we encourage a positive approach to voluntary involvement and are always grateful for any offers of help – you may have skills and talents which we can use! We see the education of our children as a partnership between parents, children, volunteers and all school staff. Part of this partnership is the involvement of volunteers in the every day life of the school to the benefit of the pupils in our care. Through careful coordination, the involvement of volunteers is ensured to be a positive experience for children, parents and teachers at Stocksbridge Junior School.

Voluntary helpers may include parents, governors and other members of the local community. It is fundamental to the school that voluntary helpers are clear of what is expected of them and that all volunteers are under the supervision of a member of the school staff whenever they are working in school. If the contact with children is expected to be on a regular basis then volunteers will be required to undergo a DBS check. This is to ensure the safety of all children. Voluntary helpers will also be required to work within the school’s health and safety policy and Chorus Education Trust guidelines.

Each volunteer will have attended a meeting before beginning work in school. This will enable the school and volunteer to develop confidence in the activity they are to be involved in. Voluntary helpers will also be given guidance as to school procedures such as health and safety, safeguarding and confidentiality. All pupils in school are expected to address volunteers in the same way as school staff. Pupils in school are expected to treat all adults, and each other, with respect and good manners; demonstrating our core values.

The school encourages volunteers to assist in school but understands that some volunteers may be unable to be involved during the school day. Stocksbridge Junior School therefore offers opportunities for volunteers to contribute towards school in a variety of ways. For example, help is often required at after school or weekend activities, including 'Stockfest' and the termly disco.  We are also keen to further develop our Friends of SJS group.

Stocksbridge Junior School greatly appreciates the strengths voluntary helpers bring to the school and thanks them for their support.

If you are interested in volunteering, please contact our School Business Manager.