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Sponsored Fun Run at SJS

Children love to play and be active. To benefit their health, children over 5 years of age should be physically active for at least 60 minutes every day. It doesn’t need to be a structured sport, anything that gets them up and moving will help.

Last week, all of our children had the opportunity to be part of a whole school effort to be active and take part in our sponsored fun run. We had to move it onto the yard as the field was slippery, but this did not dampen our fun. It was non competitive, so children could select a pace that was fine for them and enjoy the occasion with some booming dance tunes to boost motivation.

We were taken back with the generosity for all of our children’s families and we are incredibly grateful for all of your sponsorships to raise funds for our reading bus and library. We raised just short of £1000 for which we cannot thank you enough.