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Lunchtime Football Club – A Real Success!

This new school year, in addition to the Year 6 Sports Leaders, the school have further developed our lunchtime provision to be more active and provide lots of opportunities for children to get out of breath, while developing their physical and social skills.

On the top field, Mr Tee and the PE team are running a lunchtime football club for boys and girls in both lower and upper school. It has been a fantastic success with over 50 children taking part on 4 separate football pitches ever day of the week. These bursts of high level physical activity is known to be conducive to learning and prepares our children’s minds for the upcoming lessons in the afternoon. This will continue on the big yard as we move into the Autumn term but we will continue to look for opportunities for our children to be active, whether that is out on the yard or by providing Brain Breaks during lessons.

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