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Inclusive Sport Festival @ Stocksbridge High School

Hey sports fans! Welcome back to our school sports blog, where we are excited to tell you about our annual Inclusive School Sports Festival that took place at the High School, where children from all schools in the locality can come together to celebrate the joy of sports, camaraderie, and diversity.

At Stocksbridge Junior School, we believe that sports should be for everyone, regardless of their abilities, backgrounds, or identities. That’s why our Inclusive School Sports Festival is one that we look forward to every year. From traditional team sports like volleyball and cricket to more unconventional activities like boccia and curling, there’s something for everyone to participate in and enjoy. But it’s not just about competition – it’s about collaboration and support. During the festival, you’ll see students cheering each other on, offering high-fives and words of encouragement, and celebrating every victory, big or small. It’s a reminder that in sports, as in life, we’re stronger together.

A big well done to all the children who took part. You were great!