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Cross Country Race 3 – Bradfield

On a beautiful Saturday morning in Bradfield, the Stocky Cross-Country team were in action for Race 3 of the season.

Again, we had a fantastic number of children taking part from Stocksbridge Junior School and we now have an upper and lower school team to entre both team events. Bradfield is one of the longest courses on the calendar with some parts of the course being really heavy with all the rain that we have had, but our team did not let this put them off and all produced fantastic efforts. The results were: Marcey (99), Nathanial (21), Zachary (157), William (36), Reggie (126), Max (138) for the lower school and Ellie (6), Max W (81), Charlie (49), Rudi (89), Heath (65) and Archie (57). The results are always great to see but it's the attitude and effort that I look for in a child, and to see enjoyment of movement and being active.

Well done to all the children involved and we look forward to Race 4 on Saturday 25 November at Norfork Park.