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Physical Education Pupil Voice

This week, we have been conducting another pupil voice to contribute to our school improvement by involving our pupils at SJS in the self-evaluation, planning and decision making processes. In PE, we aim to listen to our children’s views and take them into account when making decisions on our future offer. Children and young people can offer a powerful and unique perspective on what it is like to be a pupil in a PE lesson and by involving them in the decision-making process, they can make meaningful changes, as well as facilitating a sense of empowerment and inclusion.

Below is a sample of feedback that has been presented to the PE department:

  • IS – I like how PE keeps your body healthy and keeps you fit. Mr Tee is always trying to keep us moving in lessons and working hard.
  • HP – I feel like I’m learning a lot of useful things that I can use in my life. I feel energised during lessons, I get healthy and I love that I get to try hard and do my best.
  • MM – PE teaches people how to be healthy and safe while doing sports in and out of school. Mr Tee motivates people to do more sports and physical activity out of school.
  • RP – PE helps you stay healthy and fit while having fun. We learn how to show good sportsmanship and be graceful in winning and loosing.
  • EM – PE teaches us four concept which are Physical, Mental, Social and Evaluation/Feedback. It teaches us about health and skills. I feel excited and free when I am in PE lessons.
  • EN – I get excited to do PE and learn new things. I love gymnastics and now do after school club every Monday so when we do it at school I know a lot about it.

Areas for Improvement:

  • E – There should be more obstacle courses and put on both yards, not just one. We should do more orienteering, benchball and dodgeball.
  • M – Id like there to be more classroom teaching.
  • O – I would like to have more after-school clubs such as tennis and dance.
  • J – More games and swimming. We would like to pick what activities we do.
  • E – More Just Dance, cross-country and orienteering. Not to work outside in the cold.
  • S – More dodgeball and benchball.
  • F – More PE days per week.
  • A – Running a mile a day during the afternoon.

As a school and department, we analyse this feedback and look at how we can make positive changes to the PE offer. Thank you to all the children who gave their honest account of their PE experience here at Stocksbridge Junior School.